Thursday, May 31, 2012


These look like just nice little birds, UNTIL they dive bomb your head. In their defense they are protecting their babies but goodness we cant even hardly walk out in our back yard.

Here is a bird bombing Tilda, luckily Tilda thinks its fun and games and she tries to catch them.

AHH bird attack.

Tilda trying to catch them

So that was the back yard now this is the front yard. Look at these baby birds. SO CUTE, but they make a HUGE MESS on our porch.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Last day of school

So sad. :(
Today is the last day of school. The kids have learned and have grown SO much. I am very proud of them.
They made lots of friends, and had the BEST teachers ever.
We will have a great summer, but we will certainly miss all of the fun we had on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our last day as bunnies
Sophie and Ms Janice
Ms. Lisa and Ms. Janice-- the best teachers. Next years teachers have some really BIG shoes to fill.

Last day fun with our friends..
Dylan and Sophie with Kate

Sophie, Avery and Kate

Big Hugs goodbye

Cant wait till next year...they will be BUSY BEARS!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

what a bunch of goofs

Just another crazy day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

M&M Olympics- PICTURES


Lots of pictures to show everything we have learned this season

 Dylan and Sophies backward roll


Trampoline time




Sophie wasnt so sure about going up infront of everyone to get her trophy

Thanks COACH BECKY--you are awesome

we are SO PROUD of their accomplisments

M&M Olympics- VIDEO

Had an awesome Olympics.
Here is a video of all of the things we have learned this season.
Dylan has a breakdown at the beginning and Sophie at the end but we did have a great time!
Big thanks for papaw for coming to watch, and big thanks to Coach Becky for always being so sweet to us.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reading is FUN

These last couple of weeks I have been trying to find new activities for the kids to do, since school will be ending this week (I'm totally dreading this).
I introduced the library to them, and they LOVED it. We will definitely be going this summer.

Today the weather was BEAUTIFUL so while Kate took a nap, the kids wanted to go on the balcony to get some good reading in. They are very serious about their library books
yes they are sitting in baby chairs...I guess now they make for a good recliner. :)

Kate was happy to have some quiet time without crazy kids screaming in the house.

Love that my kids LOVE to read!!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Look at my watch its playtime--- ITS 45

Dylan has always been obsessed with his dad's watch so when I found this watch in my old stuff...(why did I have it, NO CLUE) it made for a WEEK full of fun.

Me- Dylan what time is it
Dylan- its playtime--its ummm 45

he is now obsessed with telling us the time every 2min!!

Dylan- mom its 45, time to eat!
Me- AHHH :)

2seconds later
Dylan- Mom wanna know time
Me- Let me guess..its 45
Dylan- NO silly mommy its 4,5,6,8 time for a snack
Me- sheesh!!!

Speaking of play time--Dylan is in LOVE with his sister. Instead of playing Thomas he wanted to play with Kate. (I hope they love each other this much always!)

He loves making her laugh.

Sophie by the way LOVES her sister too...she just prefers doing the hard stuff like
 changing diapers, feeding, and cleaning up. She is my SUPER helper

Sunday, May 13, 2012

mothers day KISS

So I have officially been a mom for 2 1/2yrs and I have loved every minute. Ok lets be honest...most of it :)

Darren asked what I wanted for mothers day, I of course told him SLEEP!! That's just what I got, a good sleep in til at least 10am!!! THANKS FOR THE BEST PRESENT EVER!

Kids came home from school this week with a mothers day surprise. I cried when they sang Happy birthday, and at the end of the song they said HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! SO, they were a little confused to birthday/mothers day, but it MEANT SO MUCH!!!

Here are their gifts to me!

Dylan and Sophie singing happy birthday/mothers day

Sophie feeling sweet on Dylan
I couldn't ask for better kids!!

This is what I got from my AWESOME hubby. Even though I'm not his mommy, I'm so glad that he recognized my day!

Happy Mothers Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

M&M's and McQueen Fast

Dylan and I had a special mommy and son day yesterday. We goofed off, ate candy, went shopping and went to the car wash (Dylan's favorite)
He wanted Nana to see his new shoes (they light up when he walks).
 " I'm McQueen fast" Oh lordy, when we got home with his new shoes he was running around like a mad man.
 He actually wanted to sleep with his shoes on.

Today at gymnastics we are getting ready for the M&M Olympics. We are supposed to invite everyone to come watch what we do on the 23rd (walk on the balance beam, forward rolls, backward rolls, etc.) Dylan and Sophie are both excited, not only do they get a trophy..but they get M&M's!!!

YUMMY M&M's!!!

Look who is the BEST in their class... DYLAN AND SOPHIE
Sophie showing off her moves
Dylan is so strong he is holding up the walls

Watch out Olympics Dylan and Sophie will be kicking some butt!