Tuesday, March 15, 2011

not sharing my coco

Funny fact about miss Sophie--
when it is snack time, she doesn't eat her snack right away she holds on to it forever...I'm talking 30min-1hr before she will even take a small bite. Not only does she hold on to it, it usually has to be in some kind of container. I snapped these photos of Sophie holding on to her "coco" aka cookie in her special Tupperware container.

making sure her coco was still there and cookie monster Dylan didn't get it.

what a little booger

We are in trouble now--Sophie has picked up a bad habit already??
talking on the phone.

I asked her who she was talking to..at first she said Nana, then she said papaw then she said daddy.

I guess daddy told her that she couldn't borrow his credit card...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

walking in high heels

Sophie discovered how hard it is to walk in high heels.

Help me mama

Its hard to get mad at Sophie, because she has such a cheeky little grin. when I tell her no---she echo's back NO NO NO!

so silly

Monday, March 7, 2011

all about SOPHIE!!

most of my blog has been about the TWINS...
So I thought I would make things a little more individual.
So this week is ALL ABOUT MISS SOPHIE.
I had to start with baby A :)

I will be sharing this week some fun facts about our crazy little girl.

This is Sophie's silly face---

What a character, Sophie loves to play dress up...in everything!
Sophie prefers to wear her stickers on her feet...these actually lasted about 3 hrs, well until her brother pulled them off
One of Sophie's best features---her blue eyes (she got from daddy)

Sophie's nicknames--
baby girl
miss tude (as in attitude)

I love that Sophie is such a girly girl--she actually picks her bow out every morning, if she were to have it her way she would have more than one. She actually picked this outfit out...she loves the sparkles.

I love this girl with all my heart, I couldn't imagine life with out her silly little grin.
I love you baby girl!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

meet dora and sponge bob

Silly Sophie in her Dora pj's

Dylan loves his sponge bob pj's

and he still loves his buddy..
today he decided buddy needed to take a trip in Matilda and Tator's dog bowl. He carried this around for most of the morning. I think its time to sneak buddy in the washer

we are having a great morning!! hope you all are too

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

getting the sillies out

After nap today, the weather was nice so we played on the balcony.

hey mom put that camera down and play with me!!

Dylan showing me that buddy is having fun outside too.



I had to throw this in (snapped it from my cellphn)
I was in the bathroom and noticed these little fingers under the door. Cant a girl get a break?? I guess I will have to use the tornado shelter as a hideaway!