The wind is always blowing crazy too, which is really nice when I have the windows open, but not so great at night when it our rose bushes scratch across our bedroom windows. (sounds like someone is trying to break in the house). So I sent darren out to do a little gardening, and yes I made him wear protection!! We dont need another eyeball injury.

Look out for this scary guy in the bushes..tee hee hee!

So while darren was getting on with his chores, the kids and I decided to play some golf. (yes they are wearing their pj' was just one of those days)
Dylan loves this golf club

see mom this is how you do it :)

Dylan actually set the golf club down just long enough so Sophie can play with it.

Sophie prefers finding golf balls

Even Matilda got in the mood for some golf

Worn out from golf time for a nap

Doggies are still loving the weather and outside. I hate to break it to them that it will soon be FREEZING!

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