Darren thought we would try timeouts...why he thought this would work with a 13month old I didnt know, but I went along with it. Crazy lil monkey Sophie was climbing on the fireplace, daddy told her no, I told her no, then daddy sat her in the naughty corner.
This is what happened next.

So obviously this didn't work either...she is just too darn CUTE!

And of course we have a follower---we didn't put Dylan in the naughty corner, but since Sophie was doing it he had to try it out himself. Lord, what have I gotten myself into??

Yes the previous pictures of Sophie were my 1st attempt at pigtails, it would have worked if the darn girl would have held still. NO making fun of me...I will get better or she will just have to go around looking like a rag-a-muffin.

My kids are addicted to this. For those of you don't know this is a crazy little show called Yo Gabba Gabba. I only let them watch one show a day, but when it comes on they go crazy! They both start their little booty dances and giggle up a storm.

This week Sophie pointed to the TV and said daddy. I died laughing. Now does this look like daddy to you? Looks like we need to take a break from yo gabba gabba.

Growing up, when we got a boo boo (ouchie) mom used to put a boo boo bunnie on our ouchie to make us feel better. This was actually a washcloth waded up to look like a bunny with a piece of ice stuck in it. no matter how silly it sounds it always made me feel better.
This week we could have used lots of boo boo bunnies

this poor kid...This week we suffered a busted lip
and almost knocked our self silly by landing on our head.
So grateful we have good insurance, it looks like in the future we might be needing it!
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