It's that time of year again – a time when we traditionally look back over the previous year and think about all the things we should be thankful for. It's a time to remind ourselves to see that our glass is not half empty but really half full. Here are just a few things I am thankful for this time of year.
1.I am thankful to be alive. Obviously. And the good health of my whole family
2.I am thankful to be graced with the most beautiful babies in the world, dylan and sophie. Sure, they brings chaos to my life, but they are such a joy. I really cant remember what life was like without them
3.I am thankful for my loving husband, Darren. He is the yin to my yang. I think if we could combine the two of us into a single person, we’d be the perfect person.
4.I am thankful for my parents. My parents are amazing and I am who I am today because of them
5.I am thankful for my amazing in-laws Brenda and Martin. Many people have trouble with their in-laws. I'm so thankful that I don't. I love my in-laws! They're a tremendous family, and Im so blessed they are in my life.
6.I am thankful for my amazing brothers. They both have grown into amazing men. I love them dearly
7. I am thankful for my wonderful friends- Thanks for everything you do!
8. I am thankful for a heart full of love
9. I am thankful for our service men and women, their families and the sacrifices they all make
10.I am thankful for my dogs Tilda and Tator and their sloppy kisses
I am thankful for a million other things. These 10 things cover a lot of the territory, but don't begin to show ALL the things I have to be thankful for in my life.
PS Im thankful that dancing with the stars is over...can we get some real tv now? ha ha