vomiting- (vom/it/ing)- forcible ejection of contents of stomach through the mouth
projectile vomiting- explosive vomiting that is extremely forceful, with vomitus expelled some distance-
No matter how you define it ITS JUST GROSS!
Williams household has now been infected with some kind of stomach bug, and I blame the pediatrician!!
Kids not only got their jabs on monday, but also picked up a stomach bug at the same time!
Everyone was healthy when we went to the infectious pediatricians office (the kids 15th month well child check) , 24hrs later--projectile vomiting. Hopefully this only lasts 24hrs. BOO HOO
Here are some kids stats from the visit
BABY A---aka Sophie
weight- 19lbs 11oz (8th percentile, I was worried but doc says shes fine just tiny)
Height- 30 1/2 inches
head 45 1/2 cm
Still only 4 teeth---but gums look swollen in the back--molars are coming soon.
MISS Sophie as we call her- is quiet and reserved, but don't let her fool you she is really the BOSS. She loves clapping along to music and her most favorite activity if climbing. She can climb on anything, she is definitely our little monkey! Despite climbing on everything Sophie is such a girly girl. She loves to play dress up, wear bracelets, put on chap stick and carry her little purse everywhere. Even though she is quiet she can certainly throw a tantrum "throbber" if things aren't going her way. She is defiantly a Mommy's girl
So talented too!
Sophie's snowflake
BABY B----aka Dylan
weight 21lbs 11.5oz (15th percentile)
Height- 30 inches
Head- 47 1/2cm
Dylan has 6 teeth--and man was it a time with those molars AHHH!
Dylan loves dancing to music (especially Yo Gabba Gabba)and making lots of noise (pretty much banging anything around...such a boy thing). He love to babble to whomever is listening his favorite saying--"whats that". Favorite game is to run around naked being chased. He is our loud, crazy personality, who always is laughing and giggling. Bless his little heart he is still the clumsiest little man ever, and you will usually see him with a bump or a bruise of some kind. Dylan still loves his buddy and is definitely a daddy's boy
So talented!
Dylan's snowflake
I am so blessed to have such amazing babies. I cant believe it has been 15months!!
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