Dylan and Sophie started feeling better and I had gotten some half decent sleep so I decided that I would take the kids to visit Santa. I knew this would be a hard chore by myself but I was feeling brave and thought I could handle it. OR so I thought!
The problems started before we even left the house!!
I decided the best time to leave would be after lunch, and since it was a weekday I didn't think the mall would be too crowded with shoppers. So while Dylan and Sophie were stuffing their little faces of peas and grilled cheese sandwiches I tried to load the car up.
I went into the garage.
Diaper bag - Check
Stroller- Check
Car seats- Check
Everything was ready to go....so I tried to go back in the house. I turned the handle the door wouldn't open. WTF!!!
YUP I LOCKED MYSELF OUT OF THE HOUSE WITH THE BABIES INSIDE. I panicked and ran around the house praying that I had left the back door open or a window- NO SUCH LUCK. So then I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I had no phn, no access into the house, our neighbors are gone, Darren was gone to Houston. AHHHHHH! I peeped in the windows and kids were happy as can be (thankgod). I decided I couldn't wait for a lock smith--it would have probably taken over 2hrs and had no phn to get ahold of one anyway.
SO my options were---break down a door or smash in a window.
I choose the quickest and what I thought would be least damaging.
So I BROKE INTO MY OWN HOUSE!!! Here is the damage
Should I mention that this was a DOUBLE glass window with a screen. it wasn't a pretty site and luckily i didn't cut myself.
Once I got in I tried to fix it up, but decided to call in a professional window guy
He did a much better job
So after all this chaos I decided we were not going to see Santa.
Then as the afternoon went on I didn't want to be grumpy so close to Christmas, so I changed my mind. Got the kids loaded up, drove to the mall, unloaded the kids, stood in line for about 15min to see Santa.....then was told by a grumpy cabbage smelling elf....Santa needed a milk and cookie break and would be gone for 1hr 30min. WTF!!!!
Loaded the kids up and back home we went without seeing Santa :(
Guess we will have to try another day.
I was so glad this day was almost over.
That sucks!! I am so glad that you can laugh about it now :)