love. dishes. dirty bottles. early mornings. late nights. kissing it better. stories. sacrifice. yoga pants. laughter. tears. teacher. happiness. breakfast. lunch. dinner. music. beautiful. snuggling. simple. exhausted. magic. strollers. poop. babies. i love you's. naps. pregnancy. service. patience. dreams. work. laundry. groceries. messy. pajamas. fruits. veggies. puke. snot. strong. juggling everything. diet. hard. joy. walks. adaptability. prayer. primary. my everything. no vacations or sick days. taxi. maid. nurse. bottom wiper. chef. sticky. rewarding. unconditional love. crying. full body hugs. enriches life. singing. playing. rocking. their first everything. fabulous. photos. nursing. worry. health. bills. multi-taking. hormones. frumpy. stay at home. a calling. protect. nurture. labor. slobbery kisses. long snuggles. nutrition. gift. divine. truth. genuine smiles.children's eyes. children's smiles. fathers support. husbands love. handbook needed. education. constant clean up time. parks. spit ups. sacred.
and is loving them so much you forget about yourself.
Dylan and Sophie give me my 1st mothers day cards!!!

I love being a momma and wouldn't pick any other occupation
Happy Mothers Day!
to all(soon-to-be, hope-to-be, new, and old)
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