Still working on them to say mama. I swear I heard dylan say it...i will capture him on video soon.
8 months so much has changed. I now constantly tell Sophie that the cellphone isn't a toy, and that rattles and toys aren't for throwing. I also have to remind Dylan that his sister's hair isn't for pulling.
Time has is what they can do right now
Both can roll both ways. (sophie is a lot better at this than dylan)
Both can sit without support of hands, and support their weight on their legs
Both can reach with one hand (they want everything)
Both can transfer an object from one hand to another (usually taking a toy away from another, but still holding on to the toy they have)
Both can kick using alternate legs. (especially at bath time, I get soaked!)
Sophie can clap her hands together.
Dylan bangs objects together
Both can stand while holding onto something
Sophie has starts crawling by lunging forward on all fours, and backward crawling like a crab. (dylan just rolls like a big lump)
And both can feed them self a cracker (thanks grandma)
Oh goodness, what will this 8th month bring??
This weekend I had a really great time at a friends babyshower. Rachel is so cute pregnant. She is due in July,and we cant wait to meet her little one.

I also got to meet up with one of my besties Jennifer. She came in from college station. I love hanging out with her, I just wish she lived closer!! I would have taken pictures of her and the babies, but my dang camera ran out of battery power!!!
Gonna work 2 shifts this week, hoping for the babies to get good rest!!
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