I Love: waking up to hear my sweet babies talking to each other, and seeing their big smiles
I Know: that tator is deaf, but I still talk to her like she can hear me. I wuv u tator!
I Feel: overwhelmed, exhausted, tired, but loving every minute.
I Eat: when I can, usually with one hand (a baby in the other hand)
I Worry: about my children being around bad influences. Even though I know it is not possible, I would like to keep them in a happy bubble forever:)..and about our flight to the UK!
I Laugh: when Sophie and dylan smile with those big cheeky grins
I Crave: Mexican food
I Lose: my mind, my keys, and my phone constantly
I Obsess: over weight and body image, its a terrible thing.
I Wish: grandparents in texas and wales would pack up and move closer!
I Buy: at least a box of diapers every 2weeks (a box contains 284)you do the math.
I Fantasize: about a house just the way I want it...including a POOL :)
I Never: thought I would marry such an incredible man, have amazing babies and have the perfect life I have
I Sing: out loud in the shower, in the car, to my sweet babies even though I cant carry a tune. (poor kids)
I Borrow: money from darrens wallet. hope he isn't reading this
I Listen: to all kids of music. My favorite sounds...babies giggling and tator snoring
I Snuggle: with darren, matilda and tator on the couch every night after dinner
I Stress: When things are out of control or when things don't go according to plan. I have major control problems!!I am annoyed with things I can't change
I Like: Animals, Photography, Sports, Outdoors, Flowers (tulips especially), Spicy foods and Pina Coladas
I Always: check my alarm clock a million times before going to sleep
I Smile: when I get sloppy tilda kisses when she greets me at the door after a long days work.
I watch: the years go by! I will be 32 this year, where has the time gone?
I Believe: that Darren is the best decision I have ever made. I sometimes think...how did I get him?
I Hope: that I can be the best mom to dylan and sophie and the best wife for darren
I Will: do anything and everything for my friends, family and doggies