Darren and my ideas of vacations are very different. He would rather sit by the beach hear the waves crash, read a long book, and sip on a dos xx (Mexican beer). My idea is to do everything and anything the vacation has to offer, snorkling, city tour, shopping, any and all activities, so that when you are finished with your vacation you actually need a vacation from your vacation. I usually convince darren to do a couple of more exciting things if I promise to sit still for a couple of days by the pool. Today I made him go on a jungle tour. It is a crazy little boat that roams around the ocean and dodges in and out of mangrove trees...SUPER FUN!! Our tour guide was pretty crazy and we really enjoyed it because we were the only ones on the tour.
Safety first

After we were finished with our boat tour we went back to the resort and headed straight for the pool.

Tomorrow's itinerary -boogie boarding and fun on the beach...and yes just relaxing by the pool and reading a long book.
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