Monday, April 5, 2010


So the last month or so i have been constantly fighting with the babies at night. One night will be good, and when I say good they each would wake up once and go back to sleep till morning, and the next night would be a nightmare- waking 37million times! I have tried a million different strategies, but last night i tried the "ferber method", other wise known as the "cry it out method". It was hard considering dylan wanted to wake up at 1045pm, but i held strong. Even cried a little myself. Needless to say it was a difficult night I was exhausted, both kids were exhausted, but by 2:30am the house was silent. On a positive note, both slept for 1hr in the morning and 2 1/2hrs in the afternoon (so long 30min sophie). I even got them both to sleep easily tonight after their bath, and they haven't stirred one bit yet. According to the technique you only need to do this for 3 nights. Since my kids are brilliant they will just need 2 nights...... right??
Wish me luck on night 2!!

ps. nana and grandad, kids were missing you like CRAZY!! I even got darren to water the plants!! See I told you they would at least get one more drink!

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