Here are just some of the craziness that happened today.
Christmas tree--not the best this year, but what do you expect when I have a newborn...i think we are lucky that we have one up at all :P
Sophie loving on Katie
So excited that SANTA came
Come on already, lets open our PRESENTS
Santa this year left dylan and sophie socks and underwear in their stockings. Dylan insisted that he had to wear his buzz undies and spiderman socks NOW. what a cutie
Dylan and Sophies gift to me and darren
PaPaw getting some Katie time
Finally we tear into the presents
MOMMA look at this CAR!!!
Sophie is officially a princess now.
Katie slept thru most of the present opening

Tator slept thru most of it too..tator not so impressed with her gift from santa
Princess sophie mad at mommy because I wouldn't let her eat chocolates for breakfast.
I think we are in THOMAS HEAVEN
Sophie's big gift from SANTA-- a new kitchen
Dylan's big gift from SANTA- thomas train table
Dylan was helping fix things around the house with his new tool kit
Safety first!
PaPaw getting some LOVE
We had an amazing Christmas. Again thanks to the family for doing EVERYTHING. If it is this easy hosting Christmas I might do it again next year :)
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