cant a family get a break?? 3days after Sophie got her measles, mumps and rubella shots, she got the measles. Luckily Dylan shows no sign of them. Doctor said it could take about 2weeks before the rash clears up and since its viral their is nothing we can do about them! AHHH! Poor Sophie
I worked 3shifts this week (all in a row, THATS TUFF)...thank god orientation is over. My last couple of patients have been drug overdoses! whats up with that? CONTROL yourself people!!!
so we actually got our first snow of the year, didn't last too long but I snapped some pics of it. I was gonna take the kiddos out but since it was 11degrees outside and felt like -2 I opted to stay inside. We decided to dress up in our Texas gear (christy's shirts she gave us) and pretend we were in warm Houston! Tilda and Tator didnt want to go outside, they are missing Texas too.
So what comes with freezing temps? of course broken water pipes. luckily for us it was just our sprinkler system. It flooded our yard and made a huge mud pit in our neighbors drive. (all of this while Darren and I were at work) Luckily we have great neighbors who ran over and shut off the water. By the time we had a chance to go clean the mud pit it had pretty much frozen solid to the driveway. Poor Darren spend a good 2 1/2hr sweeping, cleaning, and chipping away at this frozen mud. I guess just add this to our expense list.
Broken window
Speaking of expense list- our broken window is STILL broken. I called the window company and they "forgot" about our order? AHHHHH! So we will have to live with the wood window for at least a couple more days!
I tried to upload some pictures this week from our main computer, and I got a crazy message, turns out our computer died. Thank god for computer backup systems, or we would have lost everything! Now just waiting on PaPaw to come install a new hard drive. I tried to upload pictures from my cannon camera to our laptop, but it doesn't seem to want to work, so I will bug Darren about it tonight so I can get some pictures up.
Wow sounds like NEGATIVITY CITY..... We actually did have a good week this week despite all the chaos. I will try to post pics tonight! hope everyone elses week is doing ok!!!
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