Darren and I went for one reason only- to find SHELTER. That is a tornado shelter. Darren promised me that we would get one before the official tornado season started.
{a little history --I'M TERRIFIED OF TORNADO'S and have been since I can remember...i blame the stupid movie wizard of oz}
and if you haven't noticed we are in TORNADO ALLY!
So at the beginning of the day I was fine talking with several "Experts" on what would be the best shelter. We originally thought we wanted to safe room like this
We would have the perfect spot in the garage. It would be super easy to get 2babies and 2dogs in close the door and wham bam safe!
Well from all the info we have gotten from several vendors it may not be enough to survive uninjured. These safe rooms are great for tornado force winds, but not really from flying debris. By hour 3 of being at this home and garden show, My head was spinning and I was starting to feel really anxious and scared. The last vendor we talked to pretty much did me in. While he was giving his demonstration on how his shelter was better than the rest a video was on behind him. (posted at the end)
This guy mentioned he lived about 5miles from us and in the 8yrs he has had his tornado shelter he only had to actually use it 5 times.AHHHHH!! So this was just too much for me to handle.
I started crying and I couldn't control myself.. all I was hearing was if you don't buy this shelter you will die.
Now he didn't say this, but that is all I was hearing. Poor Darren was trying to calm me down, and after a few min.....we bought his tornado shelter. (I guess he was a good salesman)
So this is what we bought and will hopefully be installed in the next couple of weeks. It will be in our garage and hopefully WE NEVER HAVE TO USE IT!
looks small but we bought the 10+person---Just in case I had anyone else over!
if your interested it shows how our new shelter works
this isnt the whole video--if you cant hear it you need to go to the bottom of the blog and pause the blogg music.
Pray that we have a very silent non active tornado season!....If I never use it..that is just fine with me. Just having it will let me sleep a little bit better at night!
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