Sophie and her many silly faces, she is such a character

Dylan having a bad hair day

The kids favorite breakfast---

Rachel came over with baby lachlan during our last week in Houston. The kids loved him. He is so cute!

On nanny Josiephines last day we took her out for lunch.
Sophie loves sharing her food

Dylan not so big on sharing his food....maybe that's why he is so chunky!

My last day at St lukes hospital. I'm really gonna miss this place. Sorry this picture is fuzzy, it was taken with my phn after I had worked a long hard 12hrs. I wont miss the 12hr shift part :)
On our way to Oklahoma

Kids in their new car seats

a silly Sophie face :)

Poor Sophie and her rash..this was just the beginning it got so bad. She is all better now and even crazier than ever.

Dylan is the MESSIEST eater ever. Darren snapped this photo at lunch. and yes that is a big piece of ham on his head. I swear this boy needs a bath every time he eats. boys will be boys I guess

so this is what I have been doing this week...
This is our dining room filled with empty boxes the movers will come back and pick up. Sad part I have about 1million more boxes to go.
Gonna give unpacking a rest this weekend, time for some furniture shopping. :)
That is exactly how our house looked when we moved! I hope that you come to love Oklahoma :)