Right when the kids were getting over their sickness, I became sick so things have been a little difficult around here. But all is finally getting better.
Dylan is FINALLY starting to crawl, well I mean he pushes himself around. He can only go one direction and that is backwards. He is such a monkey. My other monkey sophie, is a girl gone wild. She is climbing and pulling herself up everywhere, it wont be long before she starts taking her 1st steps. What will I do then?
We have been up to a lot lately....
We move into our corporate housing officially on friday, not looking forward to moving 2babies and 2doggies in an apartment, but we will get by.
Movers came yesterday to evaluate how much junk we actually have and how long it will take. I guess we have alot of junk :) because the moving guy said it should take about 3full days. I'm glad he is doing it and not me.
Some cute pics from a recent shopping trip---yup I bought more JUNK!
Sophie and her bestfriend Pooh

Dylan and his bestfriend BOB

Go Cowboy Go

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