Darren went off to Oklahoma City in preparation for closing on the new house. Inspection went well only a couple of small things need to be fixed, so it looks like we are on our way at the end of September.
Kids are still growing like weeds and getting into everything. I am completely worn out at the end of the day chasing them everywhere.
Sophie and Dylan have discovered how much fun the dog crate can be. who needs toys??

Sophie crawls in with Matilda, and Dylan has fun closing the door. Such silly babies!

what a monkey!

Temperature is still a nice cool 99degrees :( but I know there will be some cooler weather around the corner soon. Since I am apart of a mothers of multiples club, I can get some killer deals. I bought this slightly used baby jogger for cheap. The kids love it, and I cant wait to use it when it actually starts to cool down.

I was so concentrated on the lower gums looking for teeth that I almost missed the huge teeth coming in at the top. Dylan has these two front teeth coming in, and just today I saw one poking thru on the bottom. Now I know why the poor kid is so grumpy!

Still just the one for sophie!
Sad news for Matilda, It is official she has been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. She has had 2 seizures in the last 2 weeks. :(
The vet thinks that it was probably brought on by the stress of moving around and being in new environments. The vet hopes that things will calm down once we actually settle down in our new home. Meanwhile he told us to try to keep Matilda calm.....YEAH RIGHT, guess he doesn't know matilda like we do!!
Crazy MATILDA---luv you and your sloppy kisses.

Hate to end on a sad note but this week I also lost a coworker to breast cancer. I am thinking of her and her family. She was an amazing nurse and even more amazing person. She will truly be missed. I will be going to her services on friday. :(
Hugs and Kisses to EVERYONE!!