We had to celebrate 9months with a trip to the doctor. This trip was just HORRIBLE!! I have gotten used to having the kids cry after their shots, but this time the doctor wanted blood as well as their shots to make sure the kids iron levels were good. So we had the very traumatic experience of getting two 9month olds held down so some crazy man could draw their blood. Sophie went 1st (she is the tuff one). So I am attempting to hold her down, the tourniquet is on her arm, the lab guy cant find her vein, her arm is starting to turn purple, I'm crying, sophie is crying, he finally sticks her with the needle....and of course MISSES the vein. yup so we have to start this process all over again!! We decided to give sophie a break and tried with dylan. I thought it would be harder to find his vein since he as a little more chubbiness to get through but luckily after what seemed like an eternity we got the blood. Back to sophie, (after I requested someone else) they finally got her blood! NOT how I wanted to start out today!!
Here is how they measured up at the doctor
Dylan weighs 19lbs (8.618kg) and is 25% of growth based on weight for age. 28inches in height and is 42% based on length for age. Dylan looks like a chunky monkey but is still pretty little for his age.
Sophie is 16lbs 11oz. (7.598kg) and is 15% of growth based on weight for age. 26.75 inches and is 23% of growth based on length for age. little scrawny princess.
Poor dylan hasn't been feeling good since Monday. Which was another reason for us to go to the doctor. It looks like he has gotten his 1st cold. He is just pitiful. His nose is running everywhere and because of the inflammation in his sinuses his tear duct became blocked again. So he has a swollen eye too. He cant sleep because he cant breathe and is coughing all night. Poor Poor dylan. Good news is that his ears are good, so we are still good for the flight to the UK. He only had a slight fever yesterday which was relieved with only one dose of tylenol. I will probably head back to the doctor again at the end of this week if things aren't looking up. Lets just hope he doesn't pass it on to Sophie! (crossing my fingers!!)
dylan not feeling well, with his poor little eye and runny nose
Sophie is as goofy as ever, and she is crawling everywhere getting into EVERYTHING!! I will post a video of that soon.
We have new carpet!!!
This is the bottom step to our stairs, it used to have a huge hole in it (thanks matilda). Now if I can just keep two dogs, two babies, and a messy husband off of my new carpet until we sell the house.
So with a sick baby, another one crawling everywhere getting into things, carpet being installed, holding the dogs back from licking every visitor to death, and photographer trying to take pictures of the house things have been a little CRAZY!! I still haven't used my massages that I got from Darren and Rachel...I will be using them very very soon!!!
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