Early this morning (7:00) went to my bellaire mother of multiples garage sale. I scored some awesome deals, and it also reminded me that having twins really isn't that bad....i could of had triplets. This poor mom was trying to buy up lots of goodies for her triplets who will be born in june. When I don't get enough rest, i will have to remember her! After rummaging around I got a baby Bjorn carrier for 15$, lots of fun books, and a bath chair.
We all are still having a great time with nana and grandad. This afternoon we went to katy mills mall and went shopping. I love shopping for such cute baby clothes. I am enjoying playing dress up with them, it wont belong before they want to pick out their own clothes. Got some really good deals at gymboree and oshkosh. Thank goodness nana and grandad were there to help us out. Shopping can be a chore with the twins.
Tomorrow, I plan on catching up on some chores around the house and taking it easy. Maybe cook something yummy??? hmmmmm....
tilda and tator begging

tator and tilda want some yummy toast for breakfast

cute outfits from katymills mall

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