Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So what do you do with all of the grocery bags after shopping? you turn them in to MAGICAL ROBOTS of course!
Sophie's robot couldn't just be a regular robot it had to be PRINCESS. (this phase of princess is never gonna end)
Dylan's robot likes to ride motorcycles


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

40! 40! 40!

LOOK who IS 40. I wanted to make a big deal, but Darren didn't want to do anything...what a PARTY POOPER. We still had a fun with the kids celebrating daddy's birthday We welcomed him home from work with a big bouquet of balloons
Instead of a cake we decided on 1/2 dozen of GiGi's cupcakes
Of course we had to help daddy blow out his candles
Katie loves getting daddy love

Happy 40th Darren. I love you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Valentines day used to be Darren getting me a nice trip to the spa for a massage, facial, and mani/pedi so I could just relax. This year it meant me busting my chops to try to make Dylan and Sophie's valentines day cards for school, staying up half the night with Katie, and as for my on a business trip back to Houston. (don't worry he TOTALLY made up for it with an AWESOME necklace)

So here is the end result... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY (next year I'm opting for the store bought ones)

When they came home from school they were so excited they had a bag full of valentines (well they were mostly happy about the candy)

Monday, February 13, 2012


After last years blizzard's I was sure that we would see lots of snow this year. No such luck...wait we have one day of snow fall!! Kids were excited to go outside, but not so excited to get all dressed up in the warm clothes
At last when I finally said it was time to go out..they both got SO excited
Daddy helping them so they don't slip and fall
Sophie showing that she had to wear two different gloves to look like a princess
Time to get started on MR snowman
Posing with Mr snowman

Time to go in...I'm cold.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Getting ready for school

Getting ready for school can be a chore sometimes. I constantly hear I don't wanna wear that,  I'm not putting on my shoes, Sophie touched me or Dylan is looking at me. AHHHH!
Today however was a great day, we all were happy, no complaining, we were on time so I could snap a few pictures. I hoping we can have more days like this!

Sophie looking very pretty....Sophie says "I'm not pretty I'm a pretty princess"
This is Dylan's smile for the camera pose... what a silly boy
Oops I caught him smiling nice!
We even have enough time for a HUG!!
And a KISS??
My two little babies big kids, I'm glad they love each other so.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Playing pretend

SO FUNNY TODAY, I almost peed my pants. While I was taking care of Katie the twins ran off, and things became really quiet. I walked in on this in the guest room.

 Sophie told me they were playing pretend. Dylan was sick and she had to make him better. She had put her favorite blanket on him

then she told me that she needed to feed him his bottle like Katie (the funny part is Dylan let her boss him around, he did everything she said)
What a bunch of goofs.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Since I went to spend sometime with gma and gpa in dallas. The kids had fun with daddy making pizza
Thank god they didnt burn the house down :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

trouble sleeping

Don't know why or how but we have a serious sleeping issue. It used to be that we would say goodnight, give hugs and kisses, and the kids were off to slumberland in no time (and slept til at least 7am) For the last week Dylan and Sophie have been refusing to go to bed and getting up at least 2 times during the night and then waking up at 5am. The next day is worse because they have had hardly any sleep and are super grumpy. Nap times aren't much better..they both get up and refuse to go back to bed. Darren and I have put up some baby gates at their doors so that when they get up they at least have to stay in their such luck. Smarty pants Sophie figured out how to unlatch the gate and monkey Dylan just climbs over the gate. Once they break loose then they are off to the other ones room to wake them up. AHHHH!!! i feel like I'm going insane and don't really know what to do. I'm hoping that this phase doesn't last long!! I snapped these pictures of the baby monitor that is outside in the hall. Dylan climbed over the gate with his Buzz lightyear and started posing him for the camera
Yup there is Mr Buzz
What am I gonna do with this cute face!!!
After this of course he ran over to Sophie's room and woke her up. SHEESH!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2 month Jabs

One thing that I hate most is seeing my kids in pain. So when they have to get shots I don't know who it hurts or them. Poor Katie had to get 4 shots today, poor girl!
Katie 2month stats--

weight- 11lbs 10oz which is 75th percentile--- (what can I say the girl likes to eat ;)
Height - 55th percentile

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

photography lessons

I looked down at my phn the other day and noticed that I had 600pictures. WHAT?? I didn't take that many...nope it was SOPHIE. She can turn on my phone go the the camera app, aim and shoot her pictures. Most of her lovely work is taking pictures of herself and the floor.

Here is her best work

Sophie in her bedroom

Sophie in the playroom

Sophie with her daddy

Sophie in the playroom again

Sophie loves her daddy

Sophie in the living room

My silly princess