Friday, August 26, 2011

HOUSTON- Aquarium

One thing I certainly don't miss about Houston is the extreme HEAT! We thought we would cool off and have fun at the aquarium. Sophie LOVES to watch fish!

Totally captivated

Sophie kept trying to give the fish a kiss

Getting to pet a sting ray

What can I say about this....what a silly boy

Couldn't get her to look straight...silly Sophie

We braved the heat and went outside for a CHOO CHOO ride

Not the greatest family photo, but it was almost 105degrees outside.

Merry go round!!!

Despite the heat we had a great time at the aquarium. Sophie cant wait to go back to see the SHISHES (as she would say fishys)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

HOUSTON trip- Childrens Museum

When we lived in Houston, the kids and I took some trips to the children's museum to play in the small baby section. This time we could actually go explore what the museum had to offer. It was so much fun, and the kids had a blast!

Sophie got to play house with some friends

With Dylan its all about cars

Sophie found her self a date??? what she isn't even 2 yet! Man we are in TROUBLE!

Fun on the slide with MOMMY

Playing some hoops with Daddy!

They even have a part of the museum that is a food market. Sophie and Dylan loved going shopping!

It was a whole pretend little city with a bank, stores, city hall, gas station, movie theater...anything that is actually found in a real city

Darren of course liked the museum part which showed engineering things...such as this pulley system

More fun stuff to climb on

We must take a break and have lunch with our new friends.

And of course no trip would be complete if we didn't say hi to the "CHOO CHOO"

Sophie thought the museum was a great "PICK"

Poor baby...too much fun

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HOUSTON -day 1

We decided to go back to Houston for our vacation this year. We miss our friends very much and since Darren had a business trip planned it was perfect timing!

We got to visit Mrs. Josiephine our last nanny. I'm not sure if the kids actually remember her, but at least they both were up for a big hug and kiss and playing with her for the afternoon.

We have so much planned and so little time to fit it all in!! It feels good to be back in TEXAS!!!

school trip

I enrolled the kids in Mothers Day Out, Don't know how I feel about it yet, but I really think its important that they start playing with other kids their age and not just playing with each other. My hopes are that they really enjoy it, and by the time the new baby arrives it will give me a chance to have one on one time with baby #3.

Today was an open house where we would be introduced to their teachers and get to show the kids around their new school and classroom.

Such big kids!

The school made it really fun by having a carnival. The kids got to do lots of fun activities.

And there was a pizza party too!

Had to get our face painted
Dylan loved the smiley face

They even had a bouncy castle...but Sophie wasn't too impressed

So Sophie opted for having her face painted

Sophie choose the PINK heart

we showed the kids their classroom...and they were very excited about all the fun toys they can play with.

Kids did so well at the open house, we went for ice cream to celebrate starting school soon!

You can tell Dylan's mind was completely off school and wanting more ICE CREAM!

hoping the real 1st day of school goes this well.